Part I -- General Certificate Information
- Study Unit 1: Optimizing Your Flight and Ground Training
- Study Unit 2: Your FAA Practical (Flight) Test
Part II -- Flight Maneuvers and FAA Airman Certification Standards: Discussed and Explained
- Section I: Preflight Preparation
- Study Unit 3: Pilot Qualifications
- Study Unit 4: Airworthiness Requirements
- Study Unit 5: Weather Information
- Study Unit 6: Cross-Country Flight Planning
- Study Unit 7: National Airspace System
- Study Unit 8: Performance and Limitations
- Study Unit 9: Operation of Systems
- Study Unit 10: Human Factors
Section II: Preflight Procedures
- Study Unit 11: Preflight Assessment
- Study Unit 12: Flight Deck Management
- Study Unit 13: Engine Starting
- Study Unit 14: Taxiing
- Study Unit 15: Before Takeoff Check
Section III: Airport Operations
- Study Unit 16: Communications and Light Signals
- Study Unit 17: Traffic Patterns
Section IV: Takeoffs, Landings, and Go-Arounds
- Study Unit 18: Normal Takeoff and Climb
- Study Unit 19: Normal Approach and Landing
- Study Unit 20: Soft-Field Takeoff and Climb
- Study Unit 21: Soft-Field Approach and Landing
- Study Unit 22: Short-Field Takeoff and Maximum Performance Climb
- Study Unit 23: Short-Field Approach and Landing
- Study Unit 24: Power-Off 180° Accuracy Approach and Landing
- Study Unit 25: Go-Around/Rejected Landing
Section V: Performance and Ground Reference Maneuvers
- Study Unit 26: Steep Turns
- Study Unit 27: Steep Spiral
- Study Unit 28: Chandelles
- Study Unit 29: Lazy Eights
- Study Unit 30: Eights on Pylons
Section VI: Navigation
- Study Unit 31: Pilotage and Dead Reckoning
- Study Unit 32: Navigation Systems and Radar Services
- Study Unit 33: Diversion
- Study Unit 34: Lost Procedures
Section VII: Slow Flight and Stalls
- Study Unit 35: Maneuvering During Slow Flight
- Study Unit 36: Power-Off Stalls
- Study Unit 37: Power-On Stalls
- Study Unit 38: Accelerated Stalls
- Study Unit 39: Spin Awareness
Section VIII: High Altitude Operations
- Study Unit 40: Supplemental Oxygen
- Study Unit 41: Pressurization
Section IX: Emergency Operations
- Study Unit 42: Emergency Descent
- Study Unit 43: Emergency Approach and Landing (Simulated)
- Study Unit 44: Systems and Equipment Malfunction
- Study Unit 45: Emergency Equipment and Survival Gear
Section XI: Postflight Procedures
- Study Unit 46: After Landing, Parking, and Securing
Appendix A: Your Pilot’s Operating Handbook/Airplane Flight Manual
Appendix B: Risk Management Overview
Appendix C: Complex and High-Performance Airplanes
Abbreviations and Acronyms
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